WF Estimation

class Asterix.wfsc.estimator.Estimator(Estimationconfig, testbed: Testbed, matrix_dir='', save_for_bench=False, realtestbed_dir='', silence=False)

Bases: object

Estimator Class allows you to define a WF estimator.

It must contains 2 functions at least:
  • an initialization (e.g. PW matrix) Estimator.__init__(), with parameters:
    • the testbed structure

    • the estimation parameters

    • saving directories

    The estimator initialization requires previous initialization of the testbed.

  • an estimation function Estimator.estimate(), with parameters:
    • the entrance EF

    • DM voltages

    • the wavelength

    It returns the estimation as a 2D array. In all generality, it can be pupil or focal plane, complex or real with keywords (Estim.is_focal_plane = True, Estim.is_complex = True) to explain the form of the output and potentially prevent wrongfull combination of estim + correc.

AUTHOR : Johan Mazoyer


estimate(testbed[, entrance_EF, ...])

Run an estimation from a testbed, with a given input wavefront and a state of the DMs.

estimate(testbed: Testbed, entrance_EF=1.0, voltage_vector=0.0, perfect_estimation=False, **kwargs)

Run an estimation from a testbed, with a given input wavefront and a state of the DMs.

AUTHOR : Johan Mazoyer


Testbed object which describe your testbed

entrance_EFcomplex float or 2D array, default 1.

initial EF field

voltage_vector1D float array

vector of voltages vectors for each DMs

perfect_estimationbool, default = False

if true This is equivalent to have self.technique = “perfect” but even if we are using another technique, we sometimes need a perfect estimation and it avoid re-initialization of the estimation.

estimationlist of 2D array

list is the number of wl in the estimation, usually 1 or testbed.nb_wav Each arrays are of size of sixe [dimEstim, dimEstim]. estimation of the Electrical field

Asterix.wfsc.estimator.find_DM_to_probe(testbed: Testbed)

Find which DM to use for the PW probes.

AUTHOR : Johan Mazoyer


Testbed object which describe your testbed


name of the DM to probe in PW

Asterix.wfsc.wf_sensing_functions.create_pw_matrix(testbed: Testbed, amplitude, posprobes, dimEstim, cutsvd, matrix_dir, polychrom, wav_vec_estim=None, silence=False, **kwargs)

Build the nbwl times interaction matrix for pair-wise probing.

AUTHOR : Johan Mazoyer

Sept 2022 : created

testbedTestbed Optical_element

a testbed with one or more DM


amplitude of the actuator pokes for pair(wise probing in nm


index of the actuators to push and pull for pair-wise probing


size of the output image after resizing in pixels


value not to exceed for the inverse eigeinvalues at each pixels


path to directory to save all the matrices here


For polychromatic estimation and correction: - ‘singlewl’: only a single wavelength is used for estimation / correction. 1 Interation Matrix - ‘broadband_pwprobes’: probes images PW are broadband but Matrices are at central wavelength: 1 PW Matrix and 1 Interation Matrix - ‘multiwl’: nb_wav images are used for estimation and there are nb_wav matrices of estimation and nb_wav matrices for correction

wav_vec_estimlist of float, default None

list of wavelengths to do the estimation, used in the case of polychrom == ‘multiwl’

silenceboolean, default False.

Whether to silence print outputs.

PWVectorlist of 2D array

vector probe to be multiplied by the image difference matrix in order to retrieve the focal plane electric field

Asterix.wfsc.wf_sensing_functions.create_singlewl_pw_matrix(testbed: Testbed, amplitude, posprobes, dimEstim, cutsvd, matrix_dir, wavelength, silence=False, **kwargs)

Build the interaction matrix for pair-wise probing at 1 WL.

AUTHOR : Axel Potier Modified by Johan Mazoyer

Sept 2022 : .fits file saving directly in the function to clean up estimator

testbedTestbed Optical_element

a testbed with one or more DM


amplitude of the actuator pokes for pair(wise probing in nm


index of the actuators to push and pull for pair-wise probing


size of the output image after resizing in pixels


value not to exceed for the inverse eigeinvalues at each pixels


path to directory to save all the matrices here


wavelength in m.

silenceboolean, default False.

Whether to silence print outputs.

PWVector2D array

vector probe to be multiplied by the image difference matrix in order to retrieve the focal plane electric field

Asterix.wfsc.wf_sensing_functions.calculate_pw_estimate(Difference, Vectorprobes, dir_save_all_planes=None, dtype_complex='complex128')

Calculate the focal plane electric field from the probe image differences and the modeled probe matrix.

AUTHOR : Axel Potier

Difference3D array

Cube with image difference for each probes.

Vectorprobes2D array

Model probe matrix for the same probe as for difference.

dir_save_all_planesstring or None, default None

If not None, absolute directory to save all planes in fits for debugging purposes. This can generate a lot of fits especially if in a loop, use with caution.

dtype_complexstring, default ‘complex128’

bit number for the complex arrays in the PW matrices. Can be ‘complex128’ or ‘complex64’. The latter increases the speed of the mft but at the cost of lower precision.

Difference3D array

Cube with image difference for each probes. Used for pair-wise probing.

Asterix.wfsc.wf_sensing_functions.simulate_pw_difference(input_wavefront, testbed: Testbed, posprobes, dimimages, amplitudePW, voltage_vector=0.0, wavelengths=None, **kwargs)

Simulate the acquisition of probe images using Pair-wise.

and calculate the difference of images [I(+probe) - I(-probe)]. we use testbed.name_DM_to_probe_in_PW to do the probes.

AUTHOR : Axel Potier

input_wavefrontcomplex scalar or 2d complex array or 3d complex array, default is 1 (flat WF)

Input wavefront in pupil plane.

testbedTestbed Optical_element

Testbed with one or more DM.


Index of the actuators to push and pull for pair-wise probing.


Size of the output image after resizing in pixels.


PW probes amplitude in nm.

voltage_vector1D float array or float, default 0

Vector of voltages vectors for each DMs arounf which we do the difference.

wavelengthsfloat, default None

Wavelength of the estimation in m.

Difference3D array

Cube with image difference for each probes. Use for pair-wise probing.