Correction loop

Asterix.wfsc.correction_loop.correction_loop(testbed: Testbed, estimator: Estimator, corrector: Corrector, mask_dh: MaskDH, Loopconfig, SIMUconfig, input_wavefront=1.0, initial_DM_voltage=0.0, silence=False, **kwargs)

Run a full loop for several matrices.

In each new iteration, we update the matrix and run correction_loop_1matrix() anew.

AUTHOR : Johan Mazoyer


Object which describes your testbed.


Estimator object containing all information about the WF estimation.


Corrector object containing all information about the WF correction.

mask_dh: 2d numpy array

Binary array of size [dimScience, dimScience], the dark-hole mask.


Simulation parameters for the WFS&C loop.


Simulation parameters.

input_wavefrontfloat or 2d complex array or 3d complex array

Initial wavefront at the beginning of this loop. Electrical Field which can be a:

float=1 if there are no phase/amplitude aberrations (default) 2D complex array, of size phase_abb.shape if monochromatic or 3D complex array of size [self.nb_wav,phase_abb.shape] if polychromatic

!!CAREFUL!!: Right now we do not use this wf to measure the matrix, although the update_matrices()

method inside the Corrector allows it. Currently, each matrix is measured with a flat field in the entrance of the testbed (input_wavefront = 1). ‘input_wavefront’ is only used in the loop once the matrix is calculated. This can be changed but be careful.

initial_DM_voltagefloat or 1D array

Initial DM voltages at the beginning of this loop. The Matrix is measured using these initial DM voltages. Can be:

float 0 if flat DMs (default) or 1D array of size testbed.number_act

silenceboolean, default False.

Whether to silence print outputs.


A dictionary containing the results of all loops.

Asterix.wfsc.correction_loop.correction_loop_1matrix(testbed: Testbed, estimator: Estimator, corrector: Corrector, mask_dh: MaskDH, Nbiter_corr, CorrectionLoopResult, gain=0.1, Nbmode_corr=None, Linesearch=False, Search_best_Mode=False, input_wavefront=1.0, initial_DM_voltage=0.0, nb_photons=0, silence=False, **kwargs)

Run a loop for a given interaction matrix.

AUTHOR : Johan Mazoyer


object which describes your testbed


This contains all information about the estimation


This contains all information about the correction

mask_dh: 2d numpy array

binary array of size [dimScience, dimScience] : dark hole mask

Nbiter_corrint or list of int

number of iterations in the loop

CorrectionLoopResult: dict

Dictionary containing the result of the previous loop. This will be updated with the result of the current loop.

gainfloat between 0 and 1, default 0.1

Control gain of the loop in EFC mode.

Nbmode_corrint or list of int

Of same size as Nbiter_corr; SVD modes for each iteration.

Linesearch: bool, default False

If True, the function correction_loop_1matrix() will call itself at each iteration with Search_best_Mode=True to find the best SVD inversion mode among a few Linesearch modes.

Search_best_Mode: bool, default False

If true, the algorithm does not return the loop information, just the best mode and best contrast. This mode is used in Linesearch mode. Be careful when using this parameter, it can create an infinite loop.

input_wavefrontfloat or 2d complex array or 3d complex array

Initial wavefront at the beginning of this loop. Electrical Field which can be a:

float=1 if no phase/amplitude aberrations present (default) 2D complex array, of size phase_abb.shape if monochromatic or 3D complex array of size [self.nb_wav,phase_abb.shape] if polychromatic

initial_DM_voltagefloat or 1D array

Initial DM voltages at the beginning of this loop. The Matrix is measured using this initial DM voltages. Can be:

float 0 if flat DMs (default) or 1D array of size testbed.number_act

nb_photonsfloat, optional, default 0

Number of photons entering the pupil. If 0, no photon noise.

silenceboolean, default False.

Whether to silence print outputs.

if Search_best_Mode == True, return [bestMode, bestContrast]
else return CorrectionLoopResult dictionary updated with the results from this loop
Asterix.wfsc.correction_loop.save_loop_results(CorrectionLoopResult, config, testbed: Testbed, MaskScience, result_dir, silence=False)

Save the results from a correction loop into the directory ‘result_dir’.

All fits files have all parameters in their header. The configfile is also saved, to an .ini file.

AUTHOR : Johan Mazoyer


Dictionary containing the results from correction_loop_1matrix() or correction_loop().


Dictionary holding the configuration from the input parameter file.


An OpticalSystem object which describes your testbed.

MaskScience2d numpy array

Binary array of size [dimScience, dimScience]: dark hole mask.


Directory to save the results to.

silenceboolean, default False.

Whether to silence print outputs.